
Book Retriever

This app is really interesting because it combines the common features with other collection  development and lending apps but also provides information like a book's lexile level when it is scanned into the system. In addition it comes with a feature that allows the user to print labels for various materials within the collection. I believe that this allows for a more well rounded collection within the classroom and the library.

Classroom Organizer

This service allows teachers and librarians to enter and keep track of all the materials available to their students. It provides access to this information from a phone or tablet rather than a computer. What caught my eye was the story of a teacher who uses QR codes to allow students to borrow materials. They scan the code and it creates a record for the teacher and allows them to keep track of where materials are. I think it would also be a good way to keep track of what subject materials students are interested in and make for better collection development. In addition this system put students more in control of their use of library materials. They are responsible for scanning the materials rather than the librarian which increases their involvement in the process overall.


BiblioNasium is a social network app dedicated to getting children excited about reading. Geared towards ages 3-16, it provides a safe place for students to discuss and recommend books and has a variety of features that support and improve literacy. It allows parents and educators access as well in order to help students if they run into any issues. Teachers or librarians can use this app help tailor reading lists and create reading challenges and events.


Moodboard is a great app for organizing school events and other happenings in a new and interesting way. All the information is in one place and accessible on mobile devices. It can be printed and displayed or accessed online.


Evernote is an app that makes doing research assigments easier. With it you can take notes, attach articles and images, and organize citations. In addition, you can share information with other users. This app would make the traditional research paper assignment fresh and exciting again for students. They would be able to find all of their notes, annotations, and citations in one place. This app also allows for additional accquisition of computer literacy skills to take place along with the information literacy and digital ethics. 

WorldBook: This Day in History

This app is a fun program that provides information on interesting things that have happened on a particular day throughout history. It would be a fun activity to do with students and have a student read the fact of the day or to have them research something mentioned in one of these facts and then create poster on it to display in the library.


BARD stands for Braille and Audio Download. It is an app for those who have visual and hearing impairments. It provides them with access to talking books, magazines, and music scores in braille. New additions are being made every day so the collection is always expanding. I believe that BARD could be a great addition to any collection for students who have special needs. It will increase access to not only materials within the library but ones that the library might not otherwise have access to. In addition the musical scores being in braille will increase access to music and could be used in music classes or projects.