Easy Blog Jr/ Easyblog.com

This app costs 5.99 and is geared towards younger users (I would say grades K-4). Using this app, students can learn how to create and use blogs, including how to add pictures and create video content. The app also teaches students how to create tags for posts and use these tags to find content later. It has an accompanying website easyblog.com that is an internet version of the app which is free.

I think creating and maintaining a blog using the website would be a good group project for fourth grade students to work on in groups. I would have each group select a topic to blog about related current curriculum content in one of their classes. They would be required to make a number of videos, add pictures, and create easy to follow/use tags for their blog. I might also use this project as an opportunity to introduce students to the basics of coding. Students would be asked to post questions and comments on other groups blogs in order to help them navigate communication on such platforms.


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